I'm already preparing myself for tomorrow's barrage of insipid communication.
ah yes, the day after the Super Bowl... the only time of year when people devote entire conversations to the very thing that they avoid the rest of the year with a remote control:
I used to watch the Super Bowl for the commercials, but then, about 6 years back, I realized what I was doing.
Um, yeah, waitasecond, I'm watching television for the sole sake of watching commercials... Assuming I wanted to devote my time to such a wasteful endeavor, I could do that anytime. Today's not special enough to warrant such a banal visual exercise. My eyes are incredibly powerful, complex, and beautiful machines. They are the result of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, and I'm using their power to look at an inflated advertisement. My rod-burdened ancient ancestors would be angry that I was wasting my cone-ladened retinas on such frivolity. Of course they would also believe the television to be some sort of predator, and they would probably bludgeon it.
Thank god for that epiphany. |