So I got a "woo" on OK Cupid... which, if you've never been there, is a completely free dating site. Like completely free. You can email other users for free! You don't even need to be single though to take the test and find out what kind of relationship you are. It's from the guys who started the The Spark, which doesn't get a hotlink because Barnes & Noble owns it now and it's not as cool... being all corporate does that.
So I got this "woo" (which is the Match.com equivalent of a "wink") from this Dallas user IndiaInk. Now the point of the woo is to say, "You sound interesting, hit me to chat." What's strange though is that Ms. Ink is bisexual... well, actually, that's not the "strange" part, but it does lead to the strange part. In her "about me" profile she has written:"I am in a very serious relationship (with a guy), so mostly I'm just looking for interesting conversation. The 'potentially open' part applies mostly to women..." So my question is, "Why did she 'woo' me?" If she was interested in just talking and striking up conversation, well then strike up a conversation. The messaging is free. Don't "woo" me. "Woo" implies "I might like to take you out on a date." Or at least that's my perception of the "woo".
Perhaps I'm wrong, but I'm still confused.
Oh, and if you are in a "very serious relationship" isn't it cheating one way or the other regardless of the gender of the person you are cheating with. Unless you have discussed this "possibl[e] open[ness]" with your exclusive boyfriend, well isn't that still cheating. Despite the fact that they are in a "very serious relationship", bisexual people aren't exempt from sleeping around on their significant others just because they're bi.
You should have thought that out before you entered a "very serious relationship". Your bisexuality may have to go on the backburner for a while, or at least until you are out of your "very serious relationship". |