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Endless Spotlight
Grave Levity
Karma Payment Plan
lacey joe loves you
Pizza Thoughts scratchymonkey
Skull Bolt
Vitriolic Spree
  • The pah-gizzel cannot be diz-plizzled
  • So, You've Decided to Become a Capitalist.
  • A post for the Fishiest Fryer ever!
  • This is very odd
  • The Interview Game
  • Reign me in!
  • Away Away! My Heart's Afire!
  • Lick me like Stefani did
  • 221b Baker Street
  • What's so great about anonymity?


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    Michel D   Minor Updates and Rigamarole

    21.8.03 -  19:06

    Okay! It's my latest addition to the Monkey Möbius.

    Introducing Flash Blog.

    It's not a site about Flash Mobs, it's a site inspired by the Flash Mob Mentality. Things will appear and hang around for a little bit and then disappear completely. There are no archives now, and there never will be. Once I post something new, I delete the old post completely. I don't even know if I want Comments on it, but I suppose that without Comments, it'll lose the most essential part of the Flash Mob Mentality: Instant Community.

    I hope it's fun. We'll see.

    Oh, and for all of you out there that like to get a jump on Holiday Card Mailing, there are the new (to you) Tryptophan Holiday Cards, available in packs of Six at the Monk E Mart.


    Copyright © 2002-2004 the.monkey.manifesto, Michel Devon.
    Unless noted otherwise.