When did I begin to use such dense words to headline these entries... I look back at the entries over the last three months and I can't really pick out the exact date that it happened, it was a gradual progression. I don't know when or why I became such a logophile.
... and these words aren't words that I just know. I look them up. I synonomize them. I work, craft, study, discern, and cull the perfect word to sum up the heart of my feeling. I'm not doing it so that I will come off as some pedantic bastard. I'm not even doing it to make myself sound smarter than I really am. Perhaps I should just go with a gut reaction. I read these over, and sometimes I wonder if they feel stale or overworked. I suppose I'm working at increasing my vocabulary... but really, how often am I going to use ponophobia or pococurante or even megalomaniacal in a sentence?... never would be my guess. So why so much effort? I guess I'm just trying to create something that's more than just some bromidic Pepysian record or vapid Proustian recount of the day, like so many of the other journals out there.
I want to be amidst the layer of risen cream. I strive for a verbal precision.
Footnote 1: Sesquipedality is another word that I will never use in normal conversation. Footnote 2: Forthwright's Phrontistery is the coolest wordbank I have found in a long time. I will now be using it regularly to find the perfect words to describe the feelings I am trying to evoke with my designs. |