So I'm going over to the Voodoo Village today, to set up an appointment for my ailment. What I really need is some strong prescription that will knock out the symptoms, without knocking out me in the process. Anyway, as I'm headed over there, I see this frail little old man painting the Fire Zones on the curb. He's not painting with a special tool or a little curb-shaped machine, it's just him, his bucket of red paint, and his brush.
Now what bothers me about this set-up is that he's a frail little old man, not some beefy guy who's spine can endure that sort of prolonged extreme curvature. Secondly, this campus has it's share of money, I'm sure that there's some sort of curb-shaped paint dispenser that could do the same job in a fraction of the time. I guess, the real question is: Is this the only way to do the job, or Does this man need so many hours of monotonous tedium just to fill some sort of work quota?
Footnote: hahaha, "monotonous" sure has a lot of "O"s in it. heehee.
Footnote 2: This is why I'm in Grad School.
Footnote 3: I'm not sure why my archives aren't working... odd. |