To those who don't seem to understand my last post- in fact, seem to hate it- I shall elaborate.
Most people do something useful. From the beginning, people worked to live. They spent their entire lives working to either grow their own food or produce something necessary for someone else to grow theirs. Sooooo, taking the time to create something with no practical purpose (art) is the luxury of wasting time. Now, people spend their entire lives dedicated to art; they rely on the hard work of the rest of society.
It's not a judgement of whether or not they should be doing it, it's just a fact.
In much the same way, design is using a space for artistic purposes instead of practical ones. Take the space of an entire billboard to display five words. Instead of just writing "Restroom" on the door, you waste the space, money and materials to fashion a prettier sign. You take a great big space and carefully place one little word in there.
Typography is using extra time to make the words, font and spacing look pretty. It still conveys the message if you put everything in Times New Roman, but instead, we want variety. W e W a n t D e s i g n , and the more space you waste, the more it feels like design.
I n e f f i c i e n t
U s e
o f
S p a c e.
Similarly, a lawn is wasted space. It says "I own so much land that I don't have anything to do but let the grass grow." |