It occured to me earlier this evening why I don't feel so creative anymore. Why I feel like I'm in an idea slump.
I'm not surrounded by diversity anymore.
All throughout high school I was surrounded by lots of people interested in many disciplines. Sure, my friends were basically all artists in various capacities: Illustration, Writing, Music. But the majority of people around me did other things. And I was doing other things as well. Different modes of thought in each class.
Throughout college I was surrounded by people that were training for other careers than what I worked on. Yes, my best friends were also in various areas of the liberal arts, but the majority of people I was around (while I was still in the dorm) weren't in the liberal arts.
I came to this realization, when it finally clicked that my creativity has slowly been dropping off since I moved out of the dorm. Ever since I started living alone. Yes I still saw my friends, but I wasn't surrounded on a daily basis by non-artists.
This was my biggest realization this evening. This is why I'm in a creative slump. The only people I really ever communicate with anymore are artistic. My ideas come from being around people that aren't artistic. And now that's all I'm around anymore.
I'm not saying that those people weren't creative. They just channeled that creativity into a different outlet. But the fact that they didn't do what I did made my ideas clearer, cleaner, and more frequent.
Now it's just a slow drizzle.
I need to move. I need to get back around people. Central Texas is killing me. |